I'm an artist who specializes in creating beautiful, inclusive, and accessible designs. Problem-solving is my favorite thing to do!

My Skills + Software Knowledge
I am committed to constantly acquiring new skills to enhance my expertise. However, the skills listed below are the ones in I am most proficient and confident.
Adobe Creative Suite
Photoshop, Lightroom,
InDesign, Illustrator, XD
Visual Design
Color Theory, Typography, Layout, Composition
Figma + mIRO
Prototyping, Wireframing,
Affinity Mapping, Data Presentation, Interaction Design
Currently LEarning
CSS, JavaScript, HTML.
Thrift Your Fit
Aimed to reduce the amount of waste generated by fast fashion, Thrift Your Fit matches its users to used clothing items that go with their desired looks or aesthetics. Listing clothes is easy and the trend selling/buying aesthetic-based style bundles finally has a dedicated section on a secondhand clothing platform.